Independent Contact Center Consultants: Bridging Strategy, Technology and Operations Since 2004

The text for this page is edited from the main “Resources Page.”

Contact Center Best Practices
Strategy, business processes, organization, reporting and metrics, technology, facilities
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Performance Management (a.k.a., Performance Optimization)
Strategy, workforce management, quality, training, analytics, technology
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Workforce Management
Organizational strategy, forecasting, scheduling, real-time management, reporting & analytics, technology
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Peak Season Coverage
Strategy, organizational readiness, personnel management, technology use & optimization
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Quality Monitoring
Strategy, recording, monitoring and scoring, feedback and coaching, calibration, reporting, continuous improvement
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Voice of the Customer
Strategy, level of effort, feedback and coaching, calibration, continuous improvement
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Work From Home
Strategy, personnel selection, personnel management, technology
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Technology Support and Management
Strategy, technology design and support, technology management, sample list of support processes
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Technology Monitoring and Testing
Monitoring and health checks, testing, test environment, testing progression
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Credit Union Contact Center Benchmark Survey
Strategic Contact conducted this benchmarking survey to help credit union contact centers improve their member service and respond to growing competition.
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Credit Union Resiliency Survey
This survey explores how credit union contact centers have responded to the coronavirus pandemic and the changes that they've experienced with their operations.
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Credit Union Technology Survey
This excerpt from the comprehensive Credit Union Contact Center Benchmark Survey focuses on contact center technology strategy, sourcing, usage, performance and analytics tools, core banking systems, and fraud and authentication.
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Credit Union Operations Survey
This excerpt from the comprehensive Credit Union Contact Center Benchmark Survey focuses on contact center organization and staffing, channels and member access, QM and WFM, employee training and development, and knowledge management.
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The Future of the Contact Center
This survey surfaces perspectives on how technology will affect frontline staffing and fulfillment of contact center goals. It also reveals the Top 3 technologies in the investment pipeline and the future of AI.
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Contact Center Technology
This survey explores investment drivers, decision criteria, implementation hurdles, and support concerns for contact center technology.
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