Independent Contact Center Consultants: Bridging Strategy, Technology and Operations Since 2004

Voice Path and Phones Matter When Choosing Your New Platform

If you are in the throes of platform replacement, you may find the evaluation and selection process daunting. There are many vendors and a dizzying array of options from which to choose. And if your need for new contact center technology functions pushes you into a PBX upgrade, things can get even more complicated. There… Read More »

How to Navigate the Sea of Technology Options

Contact center technology selection is more complex than ever. Vendors offer a mind-boggling array of capabilities. Sourcing options abound and are a bit tricky to navigate. Buyers constantly live in the tension between their enthusiasm for the technology and the reality of budget and resource constraints. This complexity makes it difficult to narrow options and… Read More »

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Contact Center Survey Reveals Latest Challenges and Priorities

Everyone wants to know what challenges people face overall, and within their center size and industry. There are so many possible changes to pursue, not to mention the barrage of input from various industry sources. As such, it’s invaluable to learn what priorities are really making it to the top of “to do” lists. Top… Read More »

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New Technology Simplifies Remote Access

Contact centers need a flexible and secure infrastructure to support remote access to support home agents, “on the go” leaders, outsourcers, business continuity, and branches and retail outlets. Fortunately, enhancements in core technology and network connectivity, along with the proliferation of cloud systems, create a simplified approach to remote access to contact center systems. For… Read More »

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Does Your Contact Center Support Smartphones?

If you talk about omnichannel or optimizing customer experiences, you have to talk about the role of the smartphone. It is becoming THE ubiquitous and predominant tool for both self-service and assisted service. Don’t believe me? Then let me share just a few of the hard facts about them. Pew Research Center says 77% of… Read More »

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Time for an RFP? We can help!

Technology procurement is a mission-critical task for a contact center. If you score the right enabling technology with the right vendor partner, your center can be on the path to greater agent productivity, improved customer experience, and heightened insights into operational performance. Make the wrong choice, and you risk a painful implementation, suboptimal performance, and… Read More »

Critical Factors for Omnichannel Success

Omnichannel is everywhere – vendor marketing, analyst articles, conference sessions, client wish lists. While touted as a new concept, it doesn’t seem all that different from the multimedia routing and reporting (MMRR) that have been around for years and have been so difficult to achieve. So it’s fair to ask: What’s really new? Omnichannel seeks… Read More »

Changes in the Contact Center and IT Call for a New Approach to Technology

Contact centers have matured in their operational requirements and sophistication, as evidenced on a few fronts. Siloed multichannel, multimedia offerings are giving way to the quest for seamless, integrated, omnichannel service delivery. Managers join folks on the front-line in the quest for better desktop applications and knowledge sources. Managers are placing increased emphasis on performance… Read More »

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WFM in an Omnichannel World

In spite of the fact that nearly every “call center” is now a “contact center,” we observe little substance to the discussion – much less action – around multi-channel Workforce Management (WFM). With “omnichannel” one of the most frequently heard buzz words in our industry, we decided it was time to look at planning, forecasting,… Read More »

Trip Report: ICMI CC Demo Features Cloud, Gamification, and More!

I just returned from Dallas where I mingled with new and old friends at ICMI’s Contact Center Demo & Conference. I relish interacting with contact center professionals during the half-day and one-hour seminars that I teach. And, of course, I like to check out the latest vendor offerings. My sessions on technology selection and implementation… Read More »

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