Independent Contact Center Consultants: Bridging Strategy, Technology and Operations Since 2004

Posts Categorized: Technology

Make Technology Your Agent’s Best Friend

Where have the simpler days gone? This is a common plea in the contact center. Self-service, an explosion of contact channels, varied customer needs, and a revolving door of product and service offerings have made work on the front lines increasingly complex. Agents want and need help! Fortunately, there is a wealth of technology that… Read More »

Contact Center Technology: Beyond the “Bells and Whistles”

Contact centers can’t function without technology. They rely on a sophisticated collection of tools to enable the operational strategy that achieves business goals and meets customer needs. And given the wide spectrum of tools and sourcing options, it’s no surprise that lots of folks write about it. There’s a lot to say! But there’s a… Read More »

Affordable Contact Center Technology for Small and Medium Centers

Today’s market respects small and medium contact centers (SMCCs) by offering them affordable contact center functionality without an undue burden on their IT and support staff. There are plenty of alternatives to consider: Hosted solution vendors enable companies to rent technology that vendors provision in the cloud. These solutions resonate for those trying to go… Read More »

Contact Center Technology Meets Social Media

Social media can leverage many of the same technologies that support other contact center channels. Yet unlike traditional channels, most of the action on social networks revolves around the often casual exchange of information between individuals, their friends and family, communities, and organizations. As a result, we need something more from the technology to support… Read More »

The Value of Technology Assessment and Planning

Technology projects are on the rise. There’s pent up demand and “end of life” threats on existing systems. It’s tempting to move fast to get something done. But that’s not optimal for making careful and thoughtful decisions. I’d suggest that you use a structured process to reduce risk and enable you to achieve your goals… Read More »

Technology Optimization: Routing and Skills

Many elements play a role in routing, including the network, IVR, ACD, and potentially CTI and databases. Centers need to review or define a call path carefully, end-to-end, to apply the technology properly. Skills capabilities allow agents to handle various call types and priorities, and conditional routing makes “if…then…” decisions for each call. Most centers… Read More »

Get Your Contact Center Technology Off The Island

Contact center personnel often feel like the ill-fated crew on “Gilligan’s Island” – cast away on their own island. Lacking connection with the “mainland,” they leverage their own resources to devise tools and processes that meet their immediate needs. Everyone knows that this situation is far from optimal, but the organizational chasm always seems too… Read More »

Seven Tips for Effective Contact Center Technology Planning

Technology is the “Big Top” of contact centers. It has so many thrilling attractions on so many stages that it’s sometimes hard to know where to focus your attention. Every solution promises to reduce your costs, increase your revenue, improve quality and service levels, add efficiency, make your CSRS and Supervisors happier, and win you… Read More »

Are You Happy With Your Contact Center Technology?

I wish that most people could answer that question with a resounding YES! But I’m afraid that complaints about technology and the people who support it are rather common. Technology is supposed to serve our customers better, lower our costs, and position our companies to sell our wares effectively. But too often, we’re caught up… Read More »