Independent Contact Center Consultants: Bridging Strategy, Technology and Operations Since 2004

Posts Categorized: Multi-channel Customer Contact

Use Social Media to Empower Customers and Employees to Help Themselves

In the traditional model of customer support, the contact center and the company’s array of self-service venues are the central means through which customers ask questions, obtain information, provide feedback, and/or resolve issues. This model assumes that the company has the “sharpest knives in the drawer” in anticipating customer needs/concerns and providing responses. Social media… Read More »

Self-Service for Tech-Savvy Consumers

If you think self-service is old news, think again. A new generation of tech-savvy consumers has entered the fray with decidedly different notions about what constitutes effective communication. Mobile trumps land-line and full-screen. Text messaging trumps voice. Event-triggered notices trump customer-initiated inquiries. There’s a golden opportunity to deliver superior customer service AND bolster the bottom… Read More »

Multi-channel Communication: A Rose by Any Other Name…

“Multi-channel communication” is the 21st century version of multimedia communication for the contact center. Or is it? In fact, I think it is a potentially confusing term depending on who the audience is and their perspective. According to, the noun has many definitions, including several that are relevant to contact centers: a route through… Read More »