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Solutions for Knowledge Management

knowledge managementMost centers struggle with knowledge management (KM), and it’s not hard to understand why. There is a wide variety of information to structure, review, and manage – on products, processes, policies, current issues, etc. Many different players produce and distribute information without a mandate to coordinate their efforts with others. A lot of information is hard to access after the initial delivery, regardless of form.

What are common KM “strategies”? Cheat sheets. Post It notes. Email archives. Manuals/Binders. And, of course, Ask-A-Neighbor.

There are better ways to handle KM! Here are just a few options that you might consider:

Technology Notes and Considerations


Wiki Cloud-based and open source options available SharePoint now has Wiki functionalityŸ Little IT support required Can build process around content contribution and maintenance that involves users Easy to use


Open source Wiki “Free” tools like MediaWiki (technology behind Wikipedia)Ÿ User communities to develop application


SharePoint Ÿ Often already in the enterpriseŸ May be in use today, but in need of better organizationŸ Current versions have a solid Wiki option to leverage


CRM Knowledge Base Basic knowledge tools often included in CRM licensing May require add-on licenses for more robust optionsŸ Already integrated with CRM Can use for multimedia response


Learning Management System Common content with what training uses May require additional licensing Needed content may reside in other repositories Search engine may not be ideal


Chat and/or Email Response Application Basic knowledge tools often included in chat or email response application Usually self-contained in the application and targeted for text-based responses so may not help for handling phone callsŸ Provides a process for content development and management


Full KM System Most robust option that covers full functionality so best fit for large, complex, dynamic knowledge needs Integrates with your web site to support self-service Larger project (time and resources for design, development, integration, testing, etc.) for both contact center and IT Most costly


While you consider your technology options, you also need to address the process of establishing a core competency in knowledge sharing. Doing it well takes people following a well-defined process that technology enables. Read the full article for additional insights. »